domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

in a normal week

this is all I do in a normal day

I get up at 6:30aa.m immediately take my shawer and I do my breakfast.

8:00 a.m. I arrive to the elementary school where I give classes to children the 4 years old and go out at 2:00 p.m.

at 3:00 p.m go in to the univercity where study lic.language english and go out at 9:00p.m

I arrive to my house at 10:00 and i have many thing to do because I have to do my homework, my dinner and wash my uniform. I go to my bed so so at 12:00.

In the saturday I go to the UPN when study for a teacher the Lic. in education.

I think that I do many thing but for mi not is a problems because I love children and I would like to do an exelent teacher of elementary school.

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